Whittyn Jason is a queer, multidisciplinary scenographer of South African and Ukrainian descent. They primarily live and create in amiskwacîwâskahikan (colonially known as Edmonton, Alberta). Recent credits include Heaven (NAC), The Hooves Belong to the Deer (Tarragon Theatre), The Royale, The Fiancee, and Heaven (Citadel Theatre), Little Women (Theatre Calgary), once + after (KNK Collective, presented by Brian Webb Dance Company), Re:Construct (RISER Edmonton), Smoke (Tiny Bear Jaws), The Wolves (Maggie Tree/The Citadel), and Night (Major Matt Mason Collective). Upcoming credits include Anahita’s Republic (AuTash Productions). In addition to scenography, they are also the Festival Director for Found Festival (Common Ground Arts Society). Whittyn is a member of the ADC, and holds a BFA in Theatre Design from the University of Alberta.
Design Work